{strip} {custom_include file="front-end/header.tpl" metadesc="Secure your website or e-commerce store over https with industry standard 256-bit SSL certificates." metakeywords="SSL Certificates" pageTitle="Cheap, Safe & Secure SSL Certificates from OnlyDomains" MetaSection="hosting"}

SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate is more than just a little padlock icon in the browser bar.

It creates an encrypted link between your web server and your visitor’s computer. Every ecommerce site needs to have this level of security as a minimum.

If you want to host your own Facebook apps, you will also need one of these. In fact, it is a good idea for any website to have one, as it provides trust and security for your users.

SSL packages

Would you give your data to a site that did not have security?

SSL Features

Compatible with 99.9% of Web Browsers.


256-Bit industry standard encrypted SSL certificate


"No Hassle" SSL certificate issurance


Trusted by all popular browsers


$ 250,000 USD relying party warranty


Trust Logos to build customer confidence

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